

Love The Skin You’re In: Turn Back The Clock With Laser Technology


Our skin is very delicate and constantly changing throughout our lifetime. Often people associate getting older with their skin losing vibrancy. However, with consistent care, you can easily maintain your skin’s natural glow and turn back the clock, taking years off your face.

Revolutionising the beauty industry and perceptions of modern skincare, laser treatments have the ability to make a huge difference in your skin’s appearance and help you rediscover your confidence.

Restore your skin’s youthfulness

While topical creams and lotions are an important aspect of any skincare routine, they can take a long time to show even subtle results. If you truly wish to see a major improvement in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, laser treatments are a necessary addition to your routine.

Possessing the ability to transcend beyond the skin’s surface, light-based skin treatments have an array of impressive benefits from improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to fading pigmentation. Along with this, laser treatments can be used in conjunction with your favourite topical products for a flawless complexion.

When it comes to rejuvenating the skin, our revolutionary FDA-cleared and TGA-listed PicoSure laser is unparalleled in its ability to refine the skin. Delivering pulses of light onto the skin, the PicoSure laser accelerates the skin’s production of collagen and elastin, rejuvenating the skin’s internal support structure and replacing old skin cells with newer tissue for a youthful, smooth appearance.

Attain a more contoured jawline

Presenting itself as one of the biggest insecurities among women in Australia, excess fat under the chin has traditionally been one of the most difficult to remove without invasive surgery.

Often as we get older, this area can lose its firmness and develop pockets of hard to move fat. However, following SculpSure’s recent FDA-clearance and TGA-listing to treat fat under the chin – also known as submental fat, it is now possible to reduce your double chin in a quick, easy and tolerable manner.

With each session lasting just 25 minutes, SculpSure’s non-invasive technology reduces submental fat by up to 23% in just 2-3 treatments. With no downtime time required, SculpSure is perfect for those who do not have time for lengthy recovery periods.

Effortlessly reduce acne scarring 

An unwanted souvenir from the past, acne scarring affects countless people around the world. Despite reclaiming their skin from persistent breakouts, many find themselves left with scarring that simply seems impossible to fade. Unfortunately, creams and lotions are unable to restructure the skin to the degree that is needed in order to effectively fade acne scars.

Thankfully, laser treatments can provide the solution to acne scarring that you’ve been searching for. Our Icon Aesthetic Platform offers delivers impressive improvements in the appearance of acne scarring, with minimal discomfort.

Harnessing the power of microbeam energy, the Icon Aesthetic Platform specifically targets scar tissue, activating the body’s renewal system. As a result, the scar tissue is swept away and replaced with smoother skin in just 5-7 treatments, helping you to attain the flawless skin you’ve always dreamed about.

To discover more about how you can transform your skin with the help of Cynosure’s portfolio of revolutionary light-based technologies, follow us on Instagram.

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