

Top Things To Avoid After A Laser Treatment

Cynosure Skin Revitalization


PicoSure is the most efficient and effective option for both men and women who are looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Regular treatments will help to encourage the increased rate of collagen production, ensuring that your skin becomes noticeably smoother and radiating a youthful glow. It is essential however that you do take care of your skin after the treatments to ensure that they are effective as possible, so we have compiled a list of the top things to avoid after your laser session.

Avoid prolonged sun exposure

We all know how important it is to stay safe in the sun, but for those who are undertaking laser treatments, sun exposure can be detrimental to your results. After undertaking a laser treatment, the skin becomes hypersensitive to sun exposure, therefore to ensure the longevity of your results and to protect your skin from premature ageing, avoid extended sun in the days following the treatment, then invest in a good quality, SPF 30+ sunscreen and use it every day (rain or shine).

Avoid scented or synthetic moisturisers or creams

Correct hydration = healing. As per your laser technician’s recommendations, make sure you treat your skin to a post-laser cream or balm, and follow up with moisturising when needed to ensure that healing takes place. Unscented or natural options are best, as well as Aloe Vera cream or gel. Try to avoid synthetics or moisturisers that are heavy with additives as it may instead aggravate the skin.

Avoid sweating in any form

To really give your skin the best chance to heal, ensure that you avoid any heavy exercise as well as extremely hot spas or saunas. If you have particularly sensitive skin this is a must do after any type of skin treatment to ensure that you minimise the risk of irritation or even infection. You can get right back into your regular routine once your skin is completely recovered, which should genuinely be after five days.

Avoid changing your appointment

Yourself and your consultant will decide upon your treatment intervals to align to your individual circumstances and desired results, therefore, it is important to stick to a regular schedule. Whether your appointments are four or eight weeks apart, for the best possible results you must attend all set appointments. This also ensures that your end result is achieved in the time frame that was originally outlined. Consistency is key.

To find your local PicoSure clinic and begin your journey to flawless skin, click here.

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